Cur non liquor immersionem calefacit fistulam calefactus extra liquidum?

Amici qui usus aqua immersionem calefaciente fistulam sciendum quod cum liquida electrica calefactio fistulam foliis liquor siccis ardenti, superficies calefaciendum tubo et adolebit rubrum et niger tandem operantes. Nunc ergo te ad intelligere cur liquorem electrica calefactio tube non potest exponere liquorem extra calefacit.

The power design of the liquid electric heating tube is different from that of the dry electric heating tube, the power design of the normal liquid electric heating tube is 2-3KW per meter, and the power design of the dry electric heating tube is 1-1.2KW per meter (the power per meter refers to the power that the electric heating tube can carry per meter heating area). That is to say, the power of the liquid electric heating tube is twice that of the dry electric heating tube, because the air has an obstructive effect on heat conduction, so when the heating area of ​​the liquid electric heating tube is heated in the air, the surface temperature of the electric heating tube cannot be distributed in time, then the surface temperature of the liquid electric heating tube will continue to rise, so the internal temperature will also rise. Cum internus temperatus calefacit tubo excelsum adeo, ut uri resistentia filum. Resistentia filum urit et electrica calefactio tubi est scrapped.

U figura calefactio Tube13

Exponitur quod liquor electrica calefactio tube non patere liquido extra calefacit, sic arida ardere phaenomenon non potest cum liquido electrica calefacere fistulam, et siccis in calefacere calefacere fistulam et siccare in calefacere calefacere fistulam et siccis in calefacere calefacere fistulam et siccare in calefacere calefacere fistulam et siccare in calefacere calefacere fistulam et siccare in calefacere calefacere fistulam et siccare in calefacere calefacere, ut servitio et siccis in calefacere ardere.

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Post tempus: Apr-06-2024